Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Until he's fine'

"The time has come, for one and all..." I have now read two series of books. I've read more books in the last year than I've read in my whole lifetime. I just finished the Harry Potter series about an hour ago. I think it took me about 9 months, can anyone else correct me on that? I can't quite remember when I started them, but it's done.

Since the Deathly Hallows is fresh on my mind, I will discuss it. If you have yet to read them and wish to still be surprised, stop reading now! STop it! STOP!!!

Ok. The book was packed till the very end. There were some slow spots during the forest camping scenes, but all together the book moved quickly. Hermione cried a lot. Harry was completely arrogant and much too iconic-like. I loved the fact at the end where he called him Riddle. However, Riddle's death left something more. I completely see the reason why he died the way he did. I see the simplistic symbolism that he died by his own hand and by the same spell that wounded him in the beginning. Also, that Harry didn't need to kill him. But it left me wanting more.

The epilogue was enjoyable and made me smile. I loved the fact that Harry named his children after his parents and Albus Severus. And please know, I NEVER gave up on Severus. He was my sad little boy who never got picked throughout the whole series. I rooted for him.

The series is recommended! If you haven't read them back to back, I suggest it!

Well done J.K. I would love to meet you one day!


Jodi said...

I agree about Severus. I never really believed he was evil, just misunderstood. I'm glad you liked them!

Anonymous said...

I never trusted Snape! It's weird he named his son after his father's and god father's enemy! I do think it ties it all together to have him in love with Lilly though, I liked him after that(which is what?.. about 3 chapters) I also wish there was a bit more! I love the epilogue but I wish it said more!

I love Harry Potter!