Monday, December 19, 2011

Welcome to the world bubble!!!!

This is Aunt Bea (aka Ouiser) reporting from the front line about the birth of our new little addition... Tim and Ginny are unable to update from their ipad, so I'm here to let you all know a little bit about how things went!!!
Saturday about 5am Ginny started having more consistent birthing waves and had a feeling the miracle of birth was starting so she woke Tim up to tell him it was time to go to the hospital, his response when she said "hey it's time" was "YAY!!!!" so they went to the hospital to check everything out, and she was still at 2cm and the birthing waves were coming about every 2-3 min lasting 60-90 seconds, and she was effaced about 65% so they did some tests and thought she may be dehydrated which would cause the birthing waves to come closer together, but they weren't terribly strong at this point, and not being more dilated or effaced and her water still in tact at this point they gave her some fluids and the waves lessened a little bit and they asked her about 10:30am if she wanted them to start her on pitocin to start inducing the labor along or let her go home to ride out the waves till the little blessing decided she was ready to come, and they decided to come home...
The birthing waves were consistent through out the day, and gradually got stronger and about 10:30pm it was getting to be a little more strong and they decided to come up to the hospital to get ready for her to come. Ginny was still only at 2cm and had gotten to 60% effaced so they checked her in and put her in the labor/delivery/recovery room and she was a real trooper, Leesa and I were in there for a little while, and she was doing her breathing techniques and taking on those birthing waves like a champ!!! At 1am she was 3cm and 80% effaced and still going strong... she slowly went up to about 5-6cm at 4:15am and at 4:50 her water broke!!! It was game on at that point!! Tim called the nurse in and when the nurse came in to check her and thought they probably still had a ways to go b/c it had been going slowly up till then, but when she saw the water and checked her she pushed the nurses station button and said "CALL HIM" (meaning the dr) he got there about 20 min later , and after 4 pushes little Kaylor Michelle Garner was welcomed into the world at 5:54am on December 18, 2011 weighing in at 8lbs 3oz 19 1/4 in long..
Kaylor Michelle Garner
Daddy and Kaylor
Mommy and Kaylor
She is a sweet, calm and amazing little baby girl, and our family is so lucky to have her join us... the only time she makes noise is when she is hungry, or someone is messing with her feet or taking her temperature... She has mom's eyes and daddy's nose and lips (in my personal professional opinion:) )
She loves her mom and dad and looks around for them when they are talking.
Aunt Bea and Auntie Leesa are her favorites, and are more than ready to spoil this little girl... And she can't wait to meet the rest of her family in California at Easter!!
Auntie Leesa and Kaylor
Aunt Bea and Kaylor


Adrienne said...

She is soooo sweet!! Oh I can't wait to see her! Congratulations, Tim and Ginny (and Aunt Bea ;), she is perfection!

korie said...

Bring her to us! We can't wait to hold her and kiss those cheeks!!!! Love you guys!