Monday, August 20, 2012

8 mos

Here is our precious girl or as her uncle calls her, "My special princess."

She is really starting to walk a lot more...holding on still.  I'm not sure if I'm ready for her to walk yet because I feel she is still so young, but she will walk when she wants to.  I know, however, it will be a lot better for her to get around on her own when she wants to.  Also, she is starting to get a little heavy to carry.  

She has one tooth coming through on the bottom and one next to it that is trying to come up with it.  


Brandie said...

I'm gonna need yall to send her to Auntie Bea's for a visit soon... she flys free!!!

Adrienne said...

She's adorable! I can't believe she is almost walking!