Monday, December 22, 2008

B'in at its worst!

Warning: for those who don't like profanity, violence or still think I'm some innocent creature who loves all(I really do bytheway, not matter what you read) you may want to stay away from this post. I'm not happy and I feel like I have a right to vent about it. Although, there are several things I really can't vent about on here. Things that will be too personal for some who may or may not read this blog. For those issues, I have a wonderful, sweet, kind and lovely Glenda!

So my issues start with my employment. NO silly, not the wonderful Neuromedical Center, where I can do whatever the hell I want to amidst hearing complaints from patients. I'm speaking of none other than, the roofing business. I can't decide if I want to hide it in the carport or in the freezer-Ouizer?

Everything with this roofing business seems to be my fault. Even if it's not mistake-I have to fix it. I have to do everything in my power to make sure we're paid. No matter if I have to drive all around town to fix this problem. Or waste my lunch hour listening to a home owner become highly upset with problems of which are out of my hands now. Then, even if I fix the mistake-I still get the crap end of the deal. I may not even get paid squat for the job I've worked so hard to collect on. Ok-I'm done with that. There are more details, but they are not pertinent to the B'in.

Also, I really can't stand when people use things of mine and do not return them to my posession. Especially when the same person does things like this on a daily basis which irritate me. Even taking things of mine, eating things of mine and even driving things of mine without asking for permission. I'm very aware this person doesn't mean to do things solely for the purpose of irritation. But it's blantant disregard for people's personal property. And there's not concern. There's nothing. There's just a being who lives their life by their own rules and doesn't even understand that there may be other rules out there to live by. I'm concerned. I don't want this happen anymore. Just be aware of other's feelings!

Ok. I hope no small children were allowed to partake of this nasty feast of filth. I know this doesn't solve everything, however, I do feel better!


Brandie said...

WoW brother, calm thyself and thy dirty mouth...
Me and Dolly we agree on one thing... the grooms cake...
anywho, hope your day got better!! and hope that 1st and last paragraph had nothing to do with me!!!
love ya...

Jodi said...

I'm just glad I'm not on the receiving end of this! Oh, and I could use a hug or two Bub. When can that be scheduled?

Lady Gwynyfwar said...

To encourage and comfort I will now quote one of my favorite movies as is my modus operendi: "I'm sorry your son is a baboon's ass. Ya Ya!"

That stuff in the last paragraph drives me nuts, too!

P.S.--sorry for the profanity