Tuesday, July 7, 2009

"Hey, whatcha' doin?" "Runnin!"

A movie quote as the title of my blog, from one of my favorites. Can anyone guess it?

So, my 10 year class reunion is coming up soon; 2.5 weeks. I definitely look different than I did when I went to school. I never really thought, though, that I'd do much about it when it came down to it. I'm sure I'm at least 40 lbs heavier than when I graduated and I know I won't lose it in time. However, I looked in the mirror a couple of days ago and seriously frowned. So, I started running. It'll at least help me feel better by the time I go. PLUS, I'll have better lung capacity for when I travel to a place 3,000 feet higher than here. I actually like running. I like the way it helps my body feel better and definitely eases tension. It also helps me to keep myself limber. I'm so afraid I won't be able to play with my kids, whenever I have them. Honestly, I need to find a dance partner to go dancing with.

Ok, enough random thoughts for tonight.


Brandie said...

feels like your running so fast!!!

Sulki said...

My 10 year reunion is in just a few weeks too. Though since mine is 1753 miles away I will not be attending.

I had a similiar experience to what you described. I pulled out the yearbooks and thought to myself - "Wow... I feel old." Which is ridiculous 28 is not old.

Anonymous said...

totally one of my favorites as well!