Sunday, February 7, 2010

Support of the Who Dat Nation

I have heard the phrase "Who Dat?" so much this past week. For those who follow and don't know what "Who Dat?" is...feel yourself lucky. HA! I'm kidding. The phrase has been adopted by New Orlean's Saints fans. It has been yelled, whispered and holla'd at work and every other place you can imagine since they won two weeks ago. Today is their ultimate game. It's the first time they've ever been to the Superbowl.

I'm not one for tagging on the band wagons and the last minute. Nor am I one to even really follow football. However, I feel a certain pride for my state and it's national football team. I'm sporting the black pinstripe suit with my gold tie to church in honor of our team. I'm proud to cheer them on this evening and hope for the best.

And in true Louisiana style, a part will ensue Monday regardless of the victory in New Orleans. Mardi Gras started early this year and it will be crazy!


Matt and Autumn Stone said...

tim, the sunday the superbowl was coming on, we went to my family's ward and first hymn: Press Forward Saints" closing hymn: Come, COme ye Saints"! haha gotta love the south!