Monday, November 17, 2008

"What Time Is It?"

Ok, so it's not quite summer time, but it is getting close to a vacation. But I really wanted to lay out some thoughts on school this AM.

I attend Baton Rouge Community College. I chose this route for a few reasons.
  1. It is much cheaper than anything around here and I'm already in enough debt that I don't want to be payin' on loans forevah!
  2. It was extremely easy to get into-LSU's application wanted things like your parent's hair color, their toe ring size, a sample of DNA from the Jurassic Park labs. BRCC was a simple two sided application that I almost got bored filling out.
  3. It's a smaller campus, which I love. I'm not into all these auditorium classes, I like the personal touch.
  4. It fit better with my schedule, at the time.
I will never bad mouth BRCC. There are a few things I don't completely enjoy about some of the teachers I have, but I've learned through other students attending other universities that a lot of teachers are the same-no matter which institution you attend.

My final thought today on this subject is the lack of education Louisiana provides its students, prior to graduating high school. I've developed a strong opinion that primary schools here don't teach kids properly. Nothing to say against the teachers-I don't really know who's to blame. But somethin' aint right. So I'm basing this off of students I'm around at college. There are some incredible students. Please note that I am not bad mouthing all students or schools in Louisiana. There are some fundamentals that I had to learn prior to graduating HS; fundamentals I have yet to see consistantly here.
  1. Some students don't know how to type
  2. Not knowing what a bibliography is
  3. Not knowing how to compile a resume
  4. Basic algebra skills, i.e., FOIL, exponents, variables...
  5. General knowledge of US/World geography
Now, I'm not professing to be an outstanding student. Nor am I saying this school is better than that. Maybe, I learned too much from HS. I've attended schools in Louisiana, Texas and Colorado. I graduated from a HS in Colorado. The above studies were mandated. We had to know those things to graduate; among other studies.

There are some other issues I'd like to address, but time doesn't permit at the moment. I'd also like to talk about the Magnet program here. But I'll save that for another time.


Anonymous said...

wut u talkin about loseeanna schuls don't teech keds rite? i gradiated frum hi schul in loseeana an i no plintee! =)