Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Pet Peeves and Happy Memories

I'm sure it's been done before on other blogs, but never have you seen it done here before. Here ya' are, my top pet peeves. Of course it's not all of them-too many to list. In no order, mind you:

  1. Improper grammar use; mainly in writing
  2. When people interrupt me
  3. When people interrupt me to say something irrelevant
  4. Sore throats
  5. The phrase, "appreciatcha"
  6. Laziness
  7. Lying; just tell me you're not going to do something as opposed to telling me you are and then not do it
  8. Serious conversations through text messages
  9. Cats
  10. Olivia the cat
  11. Secrets
  12. Pranks
  13. Improper testimonies; i.e. "fiber of my being", "I love my roommates/girlfriend/boyfriend/spouse", stories and/or reading the scriptures-it's not a talk
  14. Friends who aren't real friends
  15. body hair-too much or the lack thereof
  16. "BookS of Mormon" or even worse, "Book of Mormons", let's try Copies of the Book of Mormon-yay!!
  17. Yay, Yeah, Ya, Ye, Yea-use them properly!
  18. Being called Timmy with childish overtones.
  19. People automatically thinking just b/c I'm the guy, everything will be alright.
  20. Making excuses for something instead of doing something about it.
  21. People taking money or not giving money that is rightfully yours
  22. Sales
  23. When people don't acknowledge politeness; if someone holds the door open, say thank you. If someone says thank you, say you're welcome. If you are going straight and someone has to step out of your way or stop so as to not collide with you, say excuse me.
  24. ValentiMes Day
  25. Shaving
So, as I began writing this list, I figured I needed to off-set it with some happy memories.

  1. Getting a new phone
  2. Getting contacts
  3. The first time someone told me I had a beautiful smile
  4. any hug
  5. Kissing my mom after her surgery
  6. Moving in with my sister
  7. The first time someone asked me to play piano in church
  8. Singing "Earth Angel" to the Homecoming queen instead of someone else singing to her
  9. Following the spirit in making the right decision
  10. having a full-time job after not having one
  11. Quitting my job at Ochsner
  12. My Dyson
  13. Having special friend(s) who thought to get me a Dyson
  14. Using my Dyson-it still makes me smile
  15. Hugging my parents when I got home from my mission
  16. Lunch dates; specifically with Heather
  17. Performing.
  18. When a girl plans a date for us
  19. When someone asks me to give them a blessing
  20. Knowing someone's full name for a blessing w/o them telling me
  21. My Bass Pro pillow
  22. The Color Purple
  23. Live Musicals
  24. Frozen Custard and the friends I eat it with
  25. When old friends find you and you can still talk like there was no yesterday!


Lady Gwynyfwar said...

Gotta say you make me smile, Tiny Dancer...