Monday, September 26, 2011

Bible Lit

I'm in a Bible Literature class and it's very interesting. Today, we had a presentation on Songs of Solomon and the presenter tied in polygamy. Several comments were made to the presenter as suggestions including, "Why don't you research one religion that supports polygamy and compare it to Christianity." When the presenter said she wasn't sure which religion she could choose, someone, of course, shouted out, "MORMONS." Several people agreed. I just sat back, knowing I would have to intervene but quite unsure how to do it without sounding rude. My teacher, thankfully, spoke up and explained the mainstream Mormon church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, doesn't practice polygamy. It was a breath of fresh air. I was glad someone in there was educated on our practices. It amazes me how many people automatically jump to us when discussing polygamy, insisting we still practice it.


Adrienne said...

haha typical! i've had that happen to me before and it is so awkward when you don't really know how to speak out without sounding rude. i've had to correct students before and it is really weird. so glad your professor knew his/her stuff...they should, after all, be informed on christian religions if they are teaching a bible class!

(i was secretly hoping you were about to tell us what amazing thing you said in response but I'm also glad you didn't have to ;)