Am I allowed to have double themed posts? K, great!
I guess this isn't really much of a theme as a declaration. Maybe that's the wrong word for it. Maybe Ouizer can help me out with my word choice. Anyway, I'm trying to either quote a movie or song in every post. I didn't do it one post so far, but it'll come fo' sho'!
Ok, so I'm riding home from work today and I can't believe how stupid people are. I know, road rage, blah blah blah. But seriously. My point is, when your entering an interstate-YOU DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT OF WAY! How can people not understand that. It's just assumed that I'm going to move my car over into on coming traffic so you can get on the interstate, uh-uh, RooD! So next time you're thinking, you want it that away, think again. This explosion ain't stopping. Now don't make me cuss!
We Moved
3 years ago
My current road rage? If you're going to cut me off at least use your blinker. I swear Utah has the worst drivers.
Uhm do I now detect what my secret name is...
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