Friday, November 12, 2010

Ima need you to get off the sidewalk!

SeLU is not a bike friendly campus. How come people never learned bike etiquette? It is not okay to ride your bike on the sidewalk when there are pedestrians there. They have the right away. If you are coming up from behind a pedestrian, they still have the right away. You should probably announce yourself, "passing on left" far in advance so they know you will be coming around them (this goes the same for joggers approaching walkers). Even if you announce yourself, you should still try to go around the pedestrians because they have the right away; they have the right to be there.

Also, young lady on SeLU campus in the motorized mini 4-wheeler cart thing. I'm sorry that you have you to ride that on campus for some unapparent reason to the rest of the world. But, ou also do not have the right away on the sidewalk. As a courtesy, pedestrians will move out of the way for you to pass (more than likely because they think you are going to hit them if they don't). The least you could do is say, "thank you." I mean, we wouldn't want you to make an actual effort and say, "excuse me." This is not your campus and no one will ever really respect you unless you respect them.